Archive - February 2010

New Shack Build Update

It’s been a while since i posted an update however things have been progressing nicely. The First fix is now complete on the new shack, it should all be completed in time for CQ WPX SSB. The new shack is just over 6m x 3m in size, should be a pretty good size for our operations.
View looking towards the rear of the new shack
Looking towards the door to the new shack
Entry for the new earth system, the new shack has it’s own TT earth system seperate from the rest of the building which is on a PME system.
Cabling ready for the new consumer unit dedicated for the new shack.
Plenty of power available for all the equipment.
Data Cabling ready for the wall mounted comms cabinet, the new shack will have a Gb network.
The other end of the data cabling, just waiting for the plastering so we can terminate these in wall boxes.
The new 3-Phase supply for the building, the new shack has one of these phases dedicated to it.
Thats all for now, i’ll post more updates as work progresses, see you in WPX.
James M0YOM