Archive - February 2025

The M0XXT Archives

I used to be part of the M0XXT “Double X-Ray Firm” Radio Club and Contest team along with Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and occasionally Barry M0DGQ and Terry G4MKP.

The website we used to run is no longer working so I decided to re-create many of the posts here for posterity.

Kenwood Band Data Interface for DX Commander

As some readers of my site will be aware Callum M0MCX also known as DX Commander is a good friend of mine (Go check out his excellent antenna’s here and YouTube channel here) and a little while back the 5B4AGN Band Pass filters I constructed were donated to the DX Commander shack on permanent loan in order to help tackle interference issues between his two stations. By all accounts they are working very well, however they were designed to interface with a Yaesu rig using it’s BCD based band data port and as Callum runs Kenwood radios they’re having to be used in manual mode.

With that in mind I decided to make him a couple of boxes to allow the filters to interface with his Kenwood radios enabling them to be used in a fully automated manner.

Check out the full write up of this project here

Where have I been? General Update

You’ll have noticed that updates to the site have been none existent for a good few years now. As I’m sure happens with a lot of people Work, family and life in general gets in the way of hobbies and to say that’s been the case for me in recent years would be an understatement.

If you’ve emailed me or sent me a message through the this site, my apologies for not responding, my focus has had to be on other things for quite some time now.

That being said, I’m back now and whilst the M0YOM station has been off air for a while I’m going to be rebuilding it all with lots of exciting changes which I’ll document here for anyone who might be interested.

Finally for anyone who is wondering about the ACOM Director project, it’s not dead but has also been on hold. All being well I intend to get it updated with lots of fixes and enhancements later this year. I’ll also do my best to respond to the requests I’ve been getting.