ACOM2000A Users – This page applies to ACOM Director Plus which currently supports the ACOM500S, ACOM600S, ACOM700S, ACOM1200S, ACOM1400S & ACOM2020S, ACOM Director Plus support for the ACOM2000A is coming soon however if you wish to use the software with the ACOM2000A you will need to use ACOM Director Classic software which can be downloaded here.
ACOM Director Plus is a free software package designed to allow the computer control of the ACOM Range of HF Amplifiers.
It supports the following ACOM Amplifiers
- ACOM500S
- ACOM600S
- ACOM700S
- ACOM1200S
- ACOM1400S
- ACOM2020S
Integration with the following logging software is available to allow automatic band tracking
- Logger32
- N1MM Plus
- DXLog
When loading the software, an icon will be shown in the system tray. Right clicking this icon will provide access to the various options. Double clicking the icon will display the currently selected control panel.
The software is in beta at the moment and is still very much a work in progress, your feedback and suggestions are very much welcome, please contact me here with any comments or feedback that you may have.
ACOM Director Plus is provided free of charge and you may use the software on as many machines as you like, however I would ask that you not host your own copies for download, but rather link back to this page in order to ensure that anyone looking for the software will always have the latest version available to them.
I am in no way connected to ACOM and provide this software without any warranties or guarantees, you use it entirely at your own risk.
Download the latest version here
System Requirements
You will need a Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC with the .NET Framework 4.6 installed.
How do I connect a computer to my ACOM Amplifier?
Null Modem Cable
You will need to connect a com port on your computer to the RS232 port (Not the CAT Port) on the rear of the amplifier using a basic null modem cable. I would strongly recommend using a commercially available RS-232 null modem cable however the wiring for the null modem cable should be as follows if you choose to make your own.
If you are in any doubt at all about what type of cable to use, please consult the official ACOM documentation. I accept no responsibility if you make a mistake and cause harm to your devices.
Donations & Support
Whilst I provide the software free of charge, I have been asked by a number of people if I would be willing to accept donations. I have chosen not to accept donations as I feel that this project is part of my small contribution to the Amateur Radio Community. If however you can offer help and assistance in progressing this project, please contact me here