ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta)

ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta) is now available

ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta)

This release contains quite a few improvements and will be the last release for a couple of weeks while I work on adding ACOM2000A support. As I have limited access to an ACOM2000A now i’m expecting this to take around 2 weeks to complete.

Changes in this version are:

  • IMPROVED: Carrier Frequency, Gain and SWR readouts altered to improve display time of these values
  • IMPROVED: PA Temperature is now rounded to nearest degree C
  • IMPROVED: VCC5 is now rounded to nearest 0.1V
  • IMRPOVED: Relay Voltage is now rounded to nearest volt
  • IMRPOVED: PA DC Current is now rounded to 0.1A
  • IMRPOVED: PA DC Power and PA Dissipated Power are now rounded to nearest Watt
  • IMPROVED: Bias Voltages are now rounded to nearest 0.01V
  • IMPROVED: Gain now rounded to nearest 0.1dB
  • IMPROVED: Logger integration code refactored to allow easier integration with more loggers
  • IMPROVED: Forward and Reflected power meters now hold their value better improving readability
  • ADDED: Additional compact control panel design, smaller display with just the essentials
  • ADDED: N1MM+ Interface for frequency tracking
  • ADDED: Logger Tracking is now functional (please note that certain firmware versions of the ACOM600S are known not to work, the latest version does however)
  • ADDED: Proper detection for when the amplifier is shutting down

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I'm James, a radio amateur, software engineer and professional geek. I'm the owner of a Software Company and Director and part owner of a web design, hosting and media business.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hi James – Just downloaded your Acom Director Plus. Lovely software – Thanks for your work on it. I have one question. How do I go about getting into the settings that came up the first time I ran the software? I want to ad support for N1MM+ software. I have clicked about everywhere but haven’t found the right spot yet. Thanks K4JKB – Joe Bales

    • Hi Joe,

      When you first run the software, it will show an icon in the system tray area (bottom right of the screen by the date and time), you can right click this to access the various options or double left click to display the interface. In the configuration dialog you can select the type of logger integration you want to use,N1MM+ is one of the options. You will also need to enable broadcast of the radio data (using the default address and port number) within N1MM+.

      73 James M0YOM

  • ACOM600S at OPR mode STANDBY time. The software does not show the power of the power station and the standing waves of the antenna

  • hello I used your software to find a small problem. The ACOM600S at STANDBY, your software does not show the power of the station sending out and the standing waves of the antenna. The ACOM600S display the power of the station and the standing wave of the antenna.

  • I’d love to use it but unfortunately it doesn’t play with ELTIMA virtual serial ports which is used by e.g. Microham station controllers.

  • Hi ! 🙂
    From one geek (and proud of it) to another;
    I use the ACOM director Plus 6.0, and have a couple of suggestions or questions (in case I missed something vital)
    It is a brand new ACOM A1200S, mfd in December 2018
    The SW works like a charm when in use, and the shutdown is all 100% perfect.
    But, I can not find a “start” to wake amp from stand-by.
    The amp require a 1 sec pulse toggle of RTS or DTR (any of them will do) to wake up.
    I do this manually by opening a terminal window, so it is no problem.
    But it would be rather nice to be able to make the A1200S wake up from inside the otherwise superb SW you have written 🙂
    Could that be incorporated, a “wake up” routine or button somehow ?

    Best Regards,
    Christian Frost, SM0O

    • Hi Christian,

      I’m glad you like the software, I will be getting the power on working soon however it’s a little tricky for me to test as my ACOM600 is a very early one and the remote power on doesn’t work on it.

      73 James M0YOM

      • Hi James,
        Great software. As christian, i do miss the turn on botton or wake up routine. In your reply, you were telling working on that point. Anny progress for the new release?

        Best regards, PC4U, Marc

      • I would be happy to test this for you. I have an A1200S as well and would like to see this feature implemented. Strobing a serial port line is a pretty low-risk change in any case 🙂

        Thanks for putting this software together!

  • I Like Acom Director Plus.It’s the only stand alone program for the 600s that I have found. Have been running it on local PC and via Team Viewer for remote.
    Only other thing I’ve noticed is that the under processes it does not remove itself so when I run again the old process is still there.
    Thanks again for your hard work getting this program implemented.


    • Hi Bob,

      When you close the window it stays running in the task bar, if you right click the icon and exit it will close fully.

      73 James M0YOM

  • TU James for this OUTSTANDING app!! Really has helped me out. Configuring the interface was easy (Comport assignment, rate, etc) and display is both easy to read and comprehensive!! 73 Rich, K3VAT

  • Hello James,

    Is your software working with Windows 10?
    To control my ACOM 2000A, I downloaded Director 7.0.1, but the software .doesn’t work properly on Windows10.

    • Hi,

      It should work with Windows 10 just fine, do you receive an error of any kind, also are you using an RS-232 Cable or a Null Modem Cable to connect to the ACOM2000A?

      73 M0YOM

  • Hi James, been working with the software since you start developing. If you remeber I was the operator that initially asked for Acom 600S support back then. I have a question: is it possible to integrate support for Ham Radio Delux logging ? Best 73 ad thanks. Phil ON4VP

    • Hi Phil,

      HRD integration should be possible in the future, for now i’m focussing on getting ACOM2000A support added but once that’s done i’ll be expanding the list of integration options

      73 James M0YOM

  • Hello James!
    The program works great and everything worked the first time.
    Thanks for programming the software!

    73 de OE6JGE Joerg

  • Hi James,
    I am using ACOM Director Classic 0.8.1 with ACOM2000A and it does work fine.
    However I prefer the display of Director Plus 0.6.0(Beta) because of all the
    measurement data can be checked at the same time.
    I know you are very busy so that I have to wait your modification but I would
    like to try the modified Director Plus for ACOM2000A,
    I appreciate all of your efforts. Thank you.

  • Hello
    I use acom-1200s, I am satisfied with the software.
    I’m trying to use it remotely, but it’s inconvenient because the power doesn’t turn on. When are you planning?
    Good luck and stay healthy

    Lee, HL3GOB

  • Hello James

    I am testing your Acom Director plus with my Acom 700s
    Just one thing: The OPR/STB and the BAND DN/UP do not work. This is diffrente on the 600S?

    Thank you!

    • I’ve not been able to work on ACOM Director for a while now, but I’ll try and add support for the 700S later this year when I’ll be providing some more updates.

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