ACOM Director – Thanks everyone

Following the initial release of the ACOM Director beta the feedback has been excellent and it appears to have been very well received by the ACOM 2000 user community.

Thank you to everyone who downloaded a copy and tried it out, your bug reports, comments and opinions are invaluable in moving the software forward.

I am now working on the next beta release which i hope to make available soon and will be putting up a dedicated page on my site for ACOM Director, this will contain information on what type of cable is needed to connect to the ACOM 2000 and information on what type of interface is needed to support the remote power on features.

Thanks again to everyone who has tried out the software.

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I'm James, a radio amateur, software engineer and professional geek. I'm the owner of a Software Company and Director and part owner of a web design, hosting and media business.

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • hi James, my name is Paolo from N.E. Italy
    First of all many thanks for Acom Director program.
    I use this program ver. 0.80 on Windows 10 and works very well with my Acom 2000A.
    But one thing that I do not understand is that if I do not connect the program within a time of 10 minutes flat with my amplifier the program go out , crashes.
    Then if I start again the software I can’t connect more to Acom 2000A and I have to restart my PC.
    Is there a solution?
    Thanks again Paolo IN3VVK

    • Hi Paolo,

      I’ve experienced a similar problem myself, however you should just be able to re-load ACOM Director and connect again, a restart shouldn’t be needed.

      If this happens check to make sure ACOM Director has fully closed down in Windows Task Manager, if it hasn’t, end the ACOM Director application and re-load it, this should avoid a reboot.

      I’m currently working on a major overhaul of the software at the moment and will try to address this problem in the next update.

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