Author - M0YOM

ACOM Director – Thanks everyone

Following the initial release of the ACOM Director beta the feedback has been excellent and it appears to have been very well received by the ACOM 2000 user community.

Thank you to everyone who downloaded a copy and tried it out, your bug reports, comments and opinions are invaluable in moving the software forward.

I am now working on the next beta release which i hope to make available soon and will be putting up a dedicated page on my site for ACOM Director, this will contain information on what type of cable is needed to connect to the ACOM 2000 and information on what type of interface is needed to support the remote power on features.

Thanks again to everyone who has tried out the software.

ACOM 2000 Control Software

At the M0XXT/M9X station we use 2 ACOM 2000 Amplifiers, these are excellent amps and importantly they have the capability to be computer controlled. However there is a distinct lack of software that will allow you to control the amplifier from the computer. I believe this is mainly due to the somewhat complex control protocol that ACOM used for the amplifier.

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Using the Hitachi LM038 LCD with the Arduino

I recently purchased a few LCD displays from ebay, these were labelled up as Hitachi LM038 LCD Modules. There didn’t seem to be much information out there on the internet about how to use these, so I thought i’d put together a quick how to guide for anyone else who may have purcased one of these. In the example i’m using an Arduino (Atmel ATMega328) for speed and ease of use, however the process would be the same for any micro (PIC or AVR).

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CQ WPX SSB 2010 Photos

CQ WPX SSB is over for another year, Thanks to the whole team at M0XXT and to everyone who worked us.
We will be posting a full write up soon, for now though here are some of the photos from this year’s M0XXT entry. Head over to the gallery page Here for more higher quality photos
A3S No. 1 on our 50ft Generator Mast
The Big Tower ariving on site
The Tower in place ready for it’s antennas
Simon the mobile welder making some emergency repairs to the tower.
Fitting the antenna’s
The tower in it’s upright position, ready to be extended.
The Tower now fully extended with it’s 80m Dipoles, 40m 2 ele beam and 2nd A3S
Another shot of the tower
Close up of the antenna stack
The cable entry in our new shack
Callum M0MCX & Terry G4MKP operating


The UK Scout Contest Team will be entering CQ WPX SSB this weekend in the M/2 category, we have been working very hard over the last few weeks and months to get the station ready in time.
Operators for CQ WPX will be
Callum M0MCX
James M0YOM
Terry G4MKP
Simon M0VKY
David VA7AM
Please listen out for us on the bands
We will be updating our score live during the contest, check out for details.
Station Details for this years CQ WPX SSB Entry are as follows
Station 1 & 2
Elecraft K3
ACOM 2000
Heil Proset Plus
Full Size 40m 2 Element Yagi @ 120ft
80m Dipole NE/SW @ 145ft
80m Dipole NW/SE @ 145ft
160m Dipole @ 90ft
A3S @ 100ft
A3S @ 50ft
Megaloop @ 85ft
All antennas are available to each station
See you in the contest
James M0YOM

WPX Build Started

The major build is now well and truly in progress for CQ WPX SSB this weekend
The 1st A3S is on the 50ft Generator Tower
Some additional Studs being added to the Versatower rotator cage
Callum M0MCX and Terry G4MKP installing the shack ground system
Lots more happening tomorrow including the big tower going up.
73 James M0YOM

CQ WPX 2010

It’s been a while since the last post, I’ve been very busy working on our contest station (M0XXT)

M0XXT will be entering CQ WPX M/2 this weekend, head over to for details of the work we’ve been doing on the station.

Shack Progress

Just a quick update, lots of things happening at the moment to try and get the station ready in time for CQ WPX this weekend.
The Shack is looking really good, electrics are all in, room is painted, the cat5 needs to be terminated yet though.
The cable entry is finished in the ceiling, cable track is on the wall ready for Coax runs and you can see the wifi gear on the shelf, internet is provided using radio too, this is via a long distance 2.4Ghz link using Andrew 24dbi 2.4Ghz dishes.
Lots of homebrew engineering going on too, this is a nice home made guy point bearing made by Callum M0MCX
Here is some of our HEAVY engineering, more info on what this is soon 😉 (Yes that is a scaffolding joint)

Getting Plastered

Lots of progress this week.
The new shack is now plastered, we should have electrics by next weekend so we can finally start putting things back together ready for WPX SSB.
Lots of development work on new antenna systems this weekend too.
Here’s a few pics of the freshly plastered shack.