CQ WPX SSB is over for another year, Thanks to the whole team at M0XXT and to everyone who worked us.
We will be posting a full write up soon, for now though here are some of the photos from this year’s M0XXT entry. Head over to the gallery page Here for more higher quality photos
A3S No. 1 on our 50ft Generator Mast

The Big Tower ariving on site

The Tower in place ready for it’s antennas

Simon the mobile welder making some emergency repairs to the tower.

Fitting the antenna’s

The tower in it’s upright position, ready to be extended.

The Tower now fully extended with it’s 80m Dipoles, 40m 2 ele beam and 2nd A3S

Another shot of the tower

Close up of the antenna stack

The cable entry in our new shack

Callum M0MCX & Terry G4MKP operating