Fan Dipoles at 50 feet, 400 watts and lots of atmosphere. We scored just under 100 contacts mostly UK based throughout the UK.
After bumping into my friend Alan (G3LUA) on 80m, he jumped in his car and came to see us with his wife. Alan was one of my instructors at Solihull Amateur Radio Society when I first applied for a license and realised that I couldn’t do the RAE anymore, I had to do a Foundation exam. I did finally achieve my aim though, I took the last ever RAE ever held in Dec 2004 (I think). and passed..!
Wendy and her team were also out in force with Girl Guiding. Having both Guiding AND Scouting in the one family can be hilariously funny as we compete with each other. I won the tallest structure, she won the most colourful!
Pictured is James (2E0YOM) running the pile on 80m.