ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta)

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  • Create Date 18th September 2018
  • Last Updated 4th September 2019

ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta)

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I'm James, a radio amateur, software engineer and professional geek. I'm the owner of a Software Company and Director and part owner of a web design, hosting and media business.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Hi Rolf,

      I may add support for this in the future, it will depend on how the integration can be acheived with Log4OM

      73 James M0YOM

  • Hi James, Great software! Just one observation – the info for the cable is incorrect. Well, for my 1200S anyway. Pins 2/3/5 should be connected straight through and NOT crossed/Null Modem as per your chart. Thanks.

    • That might explain why my computer won’t connect to the 1200S. When I try to connect, it always says “disconnected from amplifier” Did you end up using a straight through 9 wire cable?

    • Hi James. When I run the program and try to connect the 1200S I keep getting the message disconnected. When I click on connect it does try for about 5 seconds and then says disconnected from amplifier. I noticed someone above said not to cross pin 2 and 3 on the cable. Can I try a 9 pin straight through cable? Or would all 9 pins connecting cause a problem? Thanks! 73, Walt

  • Hi James, just downloaded the latest beta version and tested it. Nice job.Was able to turn off the 1200S with the command from your program.

  • is there pdf with documentation? Lots of issues firing up remote. have tried version 8, then removed then 7. back to 8 – on local computer it says port 8873 is in use but netstat doesn’t show 8873 in use.. lot of failures to screen asking to email you a report, since I use gmail via web, there is no default on remote laptop. it would be nice for report files to dump to convenient file location for mailing to you. — basically, programs work fine local. works fine when remote but behind same router. Once the remote is out on the network, bang! problems. 73 W5AJ (PS: Now trying versions 5)

  • Hi OM James, UFB software!

    Question please: Any plans for updating the Acom Direct + program anytime soon?

    Awaiting your kind reply / feedback,
    73, de Kees – PA7TWO

  • Très bon logiciel que j’utilise depuis des années en remote station……..SUPER …….

    Petite question, j’ai installé une boite AT04 dessus , fonctionne avec l’amplificateur , mais rien avec votre logiciel .

    La boite AT04 est elle compatible avec votre logiciel

    merci et 73

  • I got this software working with my computer but I had to have a custom made cable with an additional serial to USB cable attached for the USB port on the rear of the computer. For the custom cable contact CNC Specialty Store at 414-881-4493. For the 1200S ACOM only you want: pin 1,to 6 and 4; pin 2 to 2; pin 3 to 3; pin 4 to 6 and 1; pin 5 (ground) to 5; pin 6 to 1 and 4; pin 7 to 8; pin 8 to 7; pin 9 (not used). CNC Specialty Store would not make the computer side of the cable USB so you must use a 9 pin serial cable to USB and get the drivers off the Internet for this. Then the software ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta) will work great. The ACOM 1200S with computer control gives you the option of remote control but I just like to see the readings of the date on the computer screen in front of me as I transmit. I also use Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) and it would be nice if HRD had a option for control of the ACOM 1200S built into it. ONE additional issue was my rig (FT-2000D) only had ONE serial port so I bought a CR-5 CAT Router to give me three serial ports out of just one serial port so I can go SSB, or go digital with HRD and keep the ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta) always running. However I have discovered you must have the computer on with HRD running to get both the Yaesu band changing cable and the ACOM Director Plus 0.6.0 (beta) all “talking” to each other. The rotator control can be either my YRC-1 Hy-Gain controller with LP-Rotor software or using the FT-2000D menu buttons with the G-1000DXA rotator. The rotator has its own port, HRD with the band changing cable works with the CR-5 CAT router. If I get a automatic antenna tuner the third com port on the CR-5 CAT router will be taken up. HRD can control the Yaesu G-1000DXA but I like better the YRC-1 and keep that out of HRD. Feel free to contact me as my call is AI4VK and I am in Louisville, KYin the USA. ……..computers, CAT transceivers, ACOM amplifiers…cables…routers…NOT forget you need the SCU-17 also….life is complicated.

  • Have updated to Windows 11. After the upgrade I noted that the ACOM software was not working and so I removed it from my system. Hope that the software for the ACOM 1200S will be updated to work with Windows 11 soon.

  • Hello, I use an Icom IC7610 with an Acom1200S.
    I also often use Icom RSba1 V2 to remotely control from my static caravan.
    When using resba-1 V2 it is difficult to set the rf output from the ic 7610 to the amplifier.
    The remote rf meter is a linear display which is not only very slow to update but also erratic. Trying to set it to say 10 watts without being able to see the amplifier display usually results in me overdriving the amp and it shutting down. I have tried having a video camera facing the screen but this is still only able to show it has shut down. Is there a way of setting a max rf output from the ic7610 ie max rf drive.? I could do this on my ic9700 as that allowed max rf set on each antenna output but the ic 7610 does not have this feature.
    I have asked ML&S and Acom who both say there is no way to achieve this. They did suggest (1) using a 240v/115 transformer to power the amp as this would reduce its power out ( but sadly not drive rf ) they also suggested putting an rf attenuator on the radio out but surely this would also attenuate on receive? Do you have any ideas? Thanks Julian M0XJG.

  • hi joe, great software. I use the atu A4AT with the 1200s.
    the tune button, which appears when using the box with the 1200s, is missing. Is it possible to add the tune option to the software when using the acom o4at?

    73 Marc / Pc4U

  • Hi James

    Great software for my Acom 600S. Finally a software that has a modern and representativ display and look just like the Acom display. Great work, Thanks.

    Is it possible to add a “Power ON” button as well? If so, i can turn it on via Teamviewer when i’m in a remote situation.

    • Hi Tom, the source code isn’t online but if you drop me an email it should be possible to work something out. It would be great to collaborate with more people on it as i don’t always have the time to make changes.

  • Hello James, great software but I can’t turn the ACOM on when he is off. No problem to turn it off.
    I was using a python script that let the software turn ON the amplifier, can’t you do the same?
    Thank you for great work!

    • Which ACOM are you using? If you can turn the amplifier on via a python script it should be possible to do in ACOM Director too.

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