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Where have I been? General Update

You’ll have noticed that updates to the site have been none existent for a good few years now. As I’m sure happens with a lot of people Work, family and life in general gets in the way of hobbies and to say that’s been the case for me in recent years would be an understatement.

If you’ve emailed me or sent me a message through the this site, my apologies for not responding, my focus has had to be on other things for quite some time now.

That being said, I’m back now and whilst the M0YOM station has been off air for a while I’m going to be rebuilding it all with lots of exciting changes which I’ll document here for anyone who might be interested.

Finally for anyone who is wondering about the ACOM Director project, it’s not dead but has also been on hold. All being well I intend to get it updated with lots of fixes and enhancements later this year. I’ll also do my best to respond to the requests I’ve been getting.

When a Null Modem Cable is not a Null Modem Cable

While working on the next update to ACOM Director Plus (yes, work is now continuing on it), I couldn’t figure out why my code to turn on the ACOM600S was not working. I’d previously put this down to the fact that I have an early model and perhaps this wasn’t implemented then. I resorted to using my scope to check that the DTR and RTS lines were in fact being activated properly which is when I discovered that my Null Modem cable i’d been using for years now is not in fact a proper Null Modem Cable.

A normal (proper) Null Modem cable has the following wiring, notice the crossover of the DTR & DSR pins and the RTS & CTS pins, these are used for the remote power on of the ACOM600S, ACOM1200S and ACOM2000A with the RPON Module.

However after checking the wiring on my (commercially purchased) Null Modem Cable, I found it is actually wired like this.

As pins 2 & 3 are crossed, it still works fine for normal serial communications (without handshaking obviously) however all other pins are straight through, so anything relying on the proper use of handshake signals will fail.

The moral of the story, if you have issues with remote power on of the ACOM600S, ACOM1200S or ACOM2000A (or anything else that makes use of any control pins), make sure your Null Modem cable is actually wired fully to the Null Modem standard and not a half baked cable like mine.


Major Website Update

I had been neglecting the site for far too long now and it was way overdue an update so as i’m sure you have already noticed it’s had a complete overhaul.

As well as a complete redesign of the site, all the content has been ported to a new CMS (Content Management System), I hope you like it.

If you spot anything not working or missing, hit me up on the contact page.

Oh, and i’ll be trying to post on here far more often (hopefully)